After leading safaris for 45 years (!), I led the grand finale in early 2024. It was a magnificent trip with a wonderful group. Again, my friend and former Master’s student, Augustine Mwangotya, took care of all the in-country details, and he and our other driver-guides were magnificent in the field. I remain his US partner for Aardvark Safaris Tanzania, and I am happy to help you organize a safari with Augustine and his professional company. Please contact me at to begin discussions.
I also have a wealth of wildlife and nature photographs available for purchase, as well as original paintings and prints. Please inquire.

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Hi Walt, can you keep me informed about future safari’s? I’m Teri Taylor, the purchaser of “Patience In the Dells”, my email is Add me to your newsletter too!
Thanks, Teri. Very pleased that you have that painting. Will add you to my list.